Monday, January 7, 2008

Required NovaNet

Hooray! I know you all love your NovaNet! Never fear, you will have plently of opportunities to work on it this semester!

Each of you is responsibile for completing 10 modules before you can earn your credit. I will only grade your NovaNet once at the end of the semester. However, it is weighted heavily, and credits cannot be earned without completing the modules. I suggest you work early and work hard to get through them!

Your NovaNet will cover grammar, while we study literature and writing in class.

The good news: If you take your pretests seriously, you may not have to stay for an extended time in each module. A grade of 80% of better skips you on to the next module.

The okay news: If you do not get an 80 or better on the pretest or posttest, but you get between a 70 and 80 on the posttest, you can review the quiz and take it again.

The "you don't want to hear it" news: If you score below a 70 on your posttest, you have to complete the module again from the beginning.

I suggest picking one class period per week to work on NovaNet so it doesn't pile up towards the end of the semester.

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